Being able to appreciate other people’s works of art is key in developing your own creative ideology. Most artists usually build upon or expand upon previous creative geniuses of the past, therefore I believe by learning and taking pieces of someone’s own work then adding your own flare/originality to it, is what enhancing personal creativity […]
Have Long-Term Goals You Can Be Proud Of
Long term goals are goals which have been properly planned out and executed at the right time and place. Money is a perfect example of a long term goal. If you want to get money you have to go to work everyday at a certain time and certain place BECAUSE your goal is to get […]
How Has Blogging Impacted, Added, or Subtracted From Your Life?
Have a friend who blogs? Have you tried blogging yourself? Are you really even sure what blogging is? We’ve been exposed to this wonderful way of sharing ideas, thoughts, and life-changing expressions for some time now. Yes, we’re talking internet time so it’s only been a few years, but that’s a long time in internet-space. […]
If You Know a Know-it-All, What Small Talk Do You Do?
Conversational small talk means that you are engaging in small talk with someone who has a response to everything. They may also be slightly arrogant which can make for a negative experience. However, some know-it-alls actually do know quite a bit, and you can learn from them. The most important thing about small talk with […]
Want to Work On Your Goals With Ultimate Focus And Less Confusion?
If you’re like me, there are times when you feel doubtful and confused. And then there are other times where feel focused and energized- as you’re experiencing joy or happiness in whatever activity you’re doing. With this post, I’d like to address the topic of “confusion” versus clarity- or living according to your purpose. Many […]
Does Training and Development Matter For Career Success?
Training and development is a term typically related to employment. Employees would receive on-the-job or off-site training to develop new job skills. The term could also apply to education designed to get a person ready for a specific career. The most important thing about career training and development is growth. This provides a setting and […]
Here’s a Quick Way to Have More Fun in Life and at Work
Having fun is taking pleasure from an experience or activity. Having fun usually serves no purpose other than enjoyment. It is a distracting yet necessary act. Making friends is one of them. Once enjoyment is shared between two or more there is a connection formed. Its hard to explain but you feel it when you […]
Getting Mental-Health Help Is The First Step On A Long Road
Mental-health is making sure that you are as happy as you can be, and sometimes we all need help with that. Being mentally healthy is important in life as it makes you happier with life. There are professionals that you can see that can improve your mental-health outlook if you are feeling down or sad. […]
The Secret of Beating Awkward Silences With Small Talk
What is beating awkward silences about? Breaking the ice, getting over that weirdness of just talking to someone for the first time. Nobody likes awkward silences. The most important thing about beating awkward silences is that overcoming an awkward silence can also lead to new friendships. What better result could there be? This is a […]