Seeing others’ point of view is a way to learn new things about the world. Points of view are unique to every person, and there’s not always one that is right or wrong. When you have breakfast in the morning, you might like to eat pancakes every day. Someone else might like to eat bananas […]
How To Handle Emails: Guest Posts
How to handle emails? Are you getting requests, or offers, I guess, for guest posts and guest articles? Chances are if you have a blog of any popularity or notoriety in a popular niche market then you’re going to get these requests on occasion. Especially since guest blogging has been counted as pretty good way […]
Anyone Else Want to Overcome the Fear of Failure?
A really important thing is,” you learn more from your failures than you do your successes.” What this means is you really truly do have to make mistakes in order to learn and in order to grow. How do babies learn to walk? They crawl, they stand, they fall and tumble a million times before […]
How To Handle Emails: Customer Feedback And Praise
Another edition of the series that helps you get through your inbox faster. You got a business? You got a service? You got a following? You got a blog? You got YouTube viewers? You got anybody that knows you on the internet, which is increasingly more difficult nowadays. Then you probably, every once in awhile, […]
Have Customer Service You Can Be Proud Of
Offering good customer service is giving people what they want. There is a saying that says ” The customer is always right.” Basically, it means treating people politely and respectfully. You do your best to listen and fix any problems they are having. You do your best to make the customer happy; that way they […]
How To Handle Email: Vetting New Ideas
Welcome to another edition of “How to Handle Emails.” This one is “Ideas Vetting.” So you’ve got a bit of a following or an email list, or people that are just randomly asking you questions and every once in awhile you get one that says, “Hey, Jimmy, I got this idea that I really think […]
The Modern Rules of Overcoming the Fear of Failure?
I think that the fear of failure means being afraid to put yourself out there in the world and try. People might think you’re dumb or you might feel judged. Sometimes people are afraid to fail, because they think failure at one thing means they have failed everything or that they aren’t good at what […]
How To Handle Email: Retrieving Information Products
Another edition of the “How to Handle Email” series for your business, your life and for overall reduction of insanity caused by flooded inboxes. In this edition, I want to discuss complaints or questions about retrieving information products or things that you sell that are of the digital nature. That is almost 100% of my […]
Your Customers Don’t Trust You!
Earning trust with potential customers does not end at the sale but goes far beyond in building a relationship that keeps them coming back. Engage with your customer so that they feel you care. Discover and clarify your customers needs so that customer feels confident that you understand them. Trust is a huge part of […]