A fulfilling life means that you have achieved your goals. You are satisfied with your life and feel that every goal you had, has been fulfilled. Living a fulfilling life, does not necessary mean that you are wealthy, but it can mean that you have made it somewhere. They would use this topic to motivate […]
How to Finally do Customer Research the Right Way
Customer research is something I do when I want to know more about who is coming to my store. Knowing who comes into my store can help me to make sure that I have things that they like. When I have things those people like, they want to buy them. When people buy things in […]
32 Practical Tips for Overcoming Your Fears Today
Let’s not beat around the bush with this fear busting article. Here is exactly what you can do. Standing up to them. Seek help from others. Kick some fear butt and get more done. Still not sure if this with take the fear right out of you, then why not take some classes, research other […]
How Can You Truly Know What Customer Want?
Lots of time business might have a hard time finding out how they can do the best job possible for their clients. So, this might lead them to find out what they could do better or what else people might want. They could do research to find this out. I have filled out those customer […]
51 Clues for Finding Your Passions and Purpose in Life
Passion is the complete devotion to a goal or idea. Purpose is that personal ideals fit very well to a task. A lot of people are searching for their passion and purpose. A person improve their career with passion. Passion would motivate a person to do anything to improve their career. Passion will also allow […]
Is Good Customer Service What It Used To Be?
I think this topic is about explaining to a kid the virtues of being good to people. Good customer Service means that somebody is going to be willing to do business with a company again. You can use this to explain to the boy that doing good things results in good stuff in return. To […]
Top 38 Tips for Making Useful Education More Relevant to You
When someone is stuck, its beneficial to have some outside input to keep the thought train going. This way, you can give the correct answer to spark. This could also help them remember easier by identifying it with the hint. It’s an interesting suggestion to begin with. It creates a controversy to whether or not […]
You Don’t Have Your Customers’ Trust – Here’s Why
You earn trust with customers just like you earn trust with your friends. You have to give them a smile and be friendly towards them. And above all you need to respect them and see them as more then just a way to make money. Going above and beyond is sometimes the call of duty. […]
Are Your Ignoring These 76 Ways to Live Life on Purpose?
Living on purpose means using each day to it’s fullest. It’s getting up each day and making a conscious choice to do better. It’s avoiding just going through the motions and really striving to make an impact or difference through your life. Someone wanting to improve their career could use this topic to purposefully strive […]