Another one of those wishy-washy topics that a lot of people have a hard time even thinking about. Maybe you’ve seen it on the internet or you’ve heard it in video about business or career development, and it is ‘you need to have your own kind of tagline or unique selling proposition or elevator pitch’. […]
30 Easy Ways to Learn by Reframing Your Mistakes
It means that we see our mistakes in a different light. It means that we alter our perception of them. It might mean that we look at them as lessons learned rather than mistakes, or as experiences that build character or skill, rather than mistakes. This topic could make a person have a more positive […]
How to Get Along With People Even If You’re An Introvert
Are you having trouble getting along with new co-workers, old co-workers, old guard co-workers, or maybe colleagues, co-education inhabitants at your school? Or maybe just family members, neighbors, you name it, random people at the grocery store, and are wondering how the heck am I supposed to get along with people? I don’t know them, […]
Top 52 Tips for Achieving Your Goals ASAP!
When we set up certain expectations in life, we can start to focus on whatever steps are needed to make motions towards those goals. It’s these tiny, milestone steps that sometimes take the most effort to achieve, but can be some of the most rewarding things you do in life. If you’re looking to get […]
Are You Really Getting Ahead In Business Or Falling Behind?
I’m a little baby business man. I’ve always ever worked in a corporate environment and only in the last couple of years have I ventured off into – I guess it’s almost, 3 or 4 years, at the time of this video, 2014, February – and all of my experience is online, other than working […]
34 Hints for Simplifying Achieving Your Personal Success
Personal success can mean dozens of different things. To me it means being at peace with yourself. It means using the time we have on Earth in a constructive way. It really doesn’t have much at all, in my mind, to do with money. Sure money is nice; most people like to buy nice things. […]
How to Learn Not to Dwell and Get Motivated Instead!
Oftentimes we have those funky days where we’re just not feeling good. The emotions are funky. The events that happened are funky. The expectations we set up for ourselves maybe just weren’t met or weren’t met in the way we wanted them to. It just sucks. We just don’t know how to react in all […]
34 Hidden Clues that Time Really Does Fly and Life is Short
When people say time flies they are referring to our perception of the past. Even though in a moment it feels like time is going at a snail’s pace, in your memory they went by in a flash. Every child wants to be an adult but every adult feels they didn’t have enough time to […]
42 Shocking Opinions on Finding Happiness for Everyone
Happiness for all people means to find something, belief or idea that will make all people happy. I believe it relates differently to each person. Some people will find happiness in their success and how much money they make. Others will find happiness in a belief system. In the end, I believe happiness depends on […]