As an experienced chap and an even more seasoned observer of human behavior, I understand that life can often feel like navigating through choppy waters in a tiny boat. Anxiety and stress come hand-in-hand with living life fully and boldly. I’ve seen people close to me flail about when these waves threatened to swamp them, […]
Machiavellian Perils: A Friendly Reminder
Niccolo Machiavelli, a name that brings to mind the art of manipulation and power politics. But let me tell you something straight – as much as The Prince is a classic, we ain’t living in the Renaissance. We have different times now, with a whole different set of moralities and expectations from leaders. And it’s […]
Stayin’ Sane in a Global War: A Bojangles Survival Guide
You know me – always ready with some friendly advice or helpful anecdote. And today is no different, for we’re about to embark on an essential topic that touches every single human being alive in this crazy world: how do you keep your marbles together during times when nations fight and the future seems uncertain? […]
Holy Tongue: The Virtue of Purity in Our Daily Speech
Today we’re gonna delve deep into somethin’ that tends to get a whole lotta lip service but rarely the right amount of action. Yessir, today we’re talkin’ about purity in speech, which might just be one of the most powerful yet unheralded tools we got in our spiritual toolbox. So, saddle up and let’s ride! […]
Timeless Tidbits: How to Spot and Savor Friends
Let’s embark on a little journey down memory lane where ancient wisdom offers invaluable lessons on how to find friends that can stand the test of time. As someone who has weathered life’s many storms with a heart full of close company and cherished camaraderie, I assure you this isn’t your average coffee-break read – […]
Traditional Charm vs Modern Glitz – Reflecting on Beauty
Let me tell y’all a little somethin’ ’bout them days of yore when I was just a strapping young chap, and compare ’em to the present-day sparkles of artificial lights. We’ll have us a gander at traditional beauty and modern appearances from an old fella like myself! The Simplicity of Innate Grace Remember how we […]
Shining in the Shadow of Evil
Ain’t it funny how we sometimes find ourselves lost amidst a storm? Yup, you guessed it – I’m talking about that dark cloud of negativity that hangs heavy over our lives when we’re surrounded by evil. Now before y’all start thinking this is gonna dive into a preachy sermon, let me remind you – this […]
Navigating The Unforeseen: A Well-Prepared Soul’s Guide to Emergency Readiness
Me again back with another nugget of wisdom from the southern drawl kitchen. Today we’re gunna whip up a mix of tips and tricks on how best to get our emergency preparedness in tip-top shape. Why do you ask? Because life can throw curveballs, even for the likes of us who’ve weathered many a storm. […]
Tickles and Titterings: How to be Funny!
Y’all ready to get jolly? Let me serve you a plate full of laughter and levity. You ain’t just walking down the street towards happiness; no sir! Happiness often comes on horseback riding straight towards us in the form of humor. So, if you’re seeking how to be more funny like my beloved Pope John […]