This is about how knowing math will help us at our jobs. We tend to think that we don’t need math when we are in school. We end up using math every day and don’t even realize it.
By knowing math, people may be able to complete certain tasks better. By knowing math, people may be able to sound more articulate. By knowing math, people may be able to complete tasks quicker.
When people who don’t like math are in school, they tend to question why they need to learn math when they want to work in a field that is totally unrelated to math. What people don’t realize is we use math every day without even knowing it. If we embrace math, we may be more efficient in our jobs and become successful.
This RichardStep Marketing survey was designed to get a better understanding of what really gets under the skin of those folks out there dealing with math problems and work. Read over the awesome answers below and see how you can tailor your business to address the frustrations of the people most relevant to your business niche market. Want more? Read the 125 other topics in the ‘Frustrations’ survey category by clicking here.
The following list are uncut and raw responses of the things this group found most frustrating in their daily lives.
Math Problems and Work
- Math. I can’t remember a single thing we do i that class.
- Math homework bc math sucks and building a website on the computer bc it was very confusing
- Math i feel i can be great at it but im still getting low marks for it
- Math homework that i do not understand how to do. It is frustrating because i like to fully understand things inside out and when i don’t it really frustrates me.
- A math problem that I didn’t get. I just couldn’t get it!
- A math test because i didn’t know most of the equations on it.
- My math class. Is is hard because he doesn’t like me asking questions
- My math homework and it was frustrating because finding the answers were very difficult
- My math homework,and test. because the review was different and on the test got more complicated.
- My math homework. It is a very time consuming and tedious process. Math is especially difficult for me.
- My math homework had a very hard question which was not specific at all. I was frursrtated because I did not understand it and I did not know what I was supposed to do.
- Study mathematics. Mathematics has been my Achilles-Heel for my entire adolescent life.
- Take a math test, which I studied hard for but still did not reive a good grade
- Do the math homework. The homework was based on the classes in the past few weeks, which I all skipped.
- I had a math problem on a test and didn’t know how to solve it.
- I had a math test that I did poorly on although I studied and tried in class. This was frustrating because it show that hard work isn’t everything.
- Studying math for my test. Every concept was hard to understand and it was hard to figure out what type of questions that will be on the test.
- Do a huge math project because it was confusing and a lot of work
- Working on mathematical problems. it frustrates me because i can’t find a way to understand it.
- To solve a math problem. I had no knowledge of how to do so, so it was frustrating to try to figure it out.
- My theoretical math work. When am I ever going to use that?
- Studying for a math test all week, then failing the test even though I felt very confident in the knowledge I had gained. Looking at the test, I felt as though I had many tools (in my head) I could use, but no idea which tool to apply.
- I had t o study Math for Masters in HR! Does not make sense to me at all. Since its not really related to the core of HRM.
- My Geometry and Math class – involves the Pythagorean Theorem, Trig, Pre-cal stuff. It’s very frustrating because even with help I can’t understand it half/most of the time, and I find it useless for my field of study.
- Deal with failing math class. No matter how hard I try, Math just doesn’t make sense.
- Doing some work in math was frustrating because i did not understand that very well.
- Sometimes in school math is so frustrating because I don’t understand it
- I did very bad in my maths exam,inspite of giving my best,stay awake whole night,but get a very frustrating result.
- I had to Learn for a Math Test, its so frustrating because i don’t feel like i get something for learning anytime, and i don’t have profit by doing so.
- Homework since I find math to be a very tough subject.
- Trying to study for a math test when there were so many distractions
- I scored low marks in maths this is the most frustrating thing happen in my life and it spoils my whole future.
- I had to make up some math homework last week. I completed it all, but it was a little difficult I’m not the best at math out of all my other subjects
- I was always nervous at math classes.especially when i had to answer a question.
- Having to prepare for my math test. It was a lot of studying and took a lot of time to prepare for.
- Trying to do a difficult maths question and kept getting it wrong again and again, it was repetitive and every time i thought i was right. It turned out i was wrong – eventually i got the question right and it was very rewarding.
- I had to finish a bunch of math homework. this was frustrating because it was confusing and finding the solutions was hard
- Taking bridging courses for maths and science because i have just finished school and now i need to concentrate on very hard work and i feel burned out from school.
- I had to go through quiz in math over a subject I did not fully understand. This was frustrating because I am used to being in the best of my class, and I felt almost as if i was failing everyone. it was embarissing and upsetting.
- Trying to help my brother it’s math when he did not understand it.
- The homework and class work for math class because i don’t understand how to do it.
- I was recently presented with a math equation, that took for ever to solve. It was frustrating because I hadn’t been taught how to “solve” this form of an equation yet. And it took forever, but I did finally, eventually solve it on my own.
- Getting my F’s up. I was failing math and chemistry and those are my least favorite subjects.
- I had to get the problem done In math but I got over it by asking the teach
- I had to take a test in Discrete Mathematics. It was frustrating because I did not feel confident in my knowledge of the subject.
- The most frustrating thing in my life is my math class and my disability because its a lot harder form me to learn.
- Trying to explain to my sister how to do her math homework. It was frustrating because she never pays attention and doesn’t even try to learn from her mistakes.
- The most frustrating thing I did recently was my math home work for algebra 2, because I was not present on the day of the lesson.
- Preparing for exam this is frustrating because my math skills are very low and i am a mechanical engineer
- Recently, during 4th period in Austin’s class, my math assignments takes awhile for me to solve and to be finished. I am frustrated because there is fractions included and some tricky equations, which it gives me a hard time to solve and figure out how to get the right answer.
- Most frustrating thing that happend to me was trying doing my math test.
- Well, I hated when people insisted that I was smart and good at math because I’m not and I don’t want people to think I’m someone that I’m not.
- The last frustating thing i have done in the last few days is my math homework. It was frustating because there were so many questions to complete.
- The most frustrating thing I have had to do in the past few days was math homework. It was frustrating because I feel like I don’t have a good grasp on the subject matter. I think I understand it better now, but it is still very difficult.
- The most frustrating thing I have had to do the past few days is so much math homework. Math gets easily frustrating when there is so much and you start getting questions wrong. It literally fries my brain.
- School work was probably the most frustrating thing I did this week. Between math, chemistry and italian its just so frustrating.
- The most frustrating thing i’ve had to do lately was study for a fractions test in math class. It was very frustrating because i have a hard time with math and i did not have enough time to study and prepare myself for the test.
- A long biology test. I’m a writer and reader and quickly loose interest in science and math. I’m not good at it and it will not be important in my career.