Living Life on Purpose means taking an active role in your own life. It is not just sitting around and letting life pass you by. To live life on purpose you must be engaged, motivated, and an active participant. This could mean making and keeping plans (social or work related) or setting and achieving goals (personal or work-related). If you live life on purpose you will get more out of it, you will be more fulfilled, have a better understanding of yourself, and take more enjoyment of life.
A person could improve their career life by living their life on purpose. First, they could decide what they want their career to be. They might already have a job- but is it the job they want or is there a specific career they really want to strive for. First they would identify what they want their career goal to be. Second, identify how to get there. If they live their life on purpose that means they will take specific actions to meet that goal; That could be getting the specific education needed for that career, ask for additional training, meeting with a career coach, etc. Third, actively work towards achieving that goal. Apply to schools to get the education needed. Ask their boss for help getting the training. Search actively for jobs in that career path as opposed to staying at their current job that isn’t really for them.
To live life on purpose a person must take action into their own hands. They will want to decide specifically what they want their life to be like and act towards making it that way. They can’t just sit around and wait for it to happen for them because it won’t- life can only truly be theirs if they make it that way. I think a person really needs to think about what they want out of life- do they want kids, a specific career, to travel, to acquire material goods? There is no right answer and each person will be different. Once the person decides what they really want their life to be like they need to make it happen. No one will make travel plans for you and no one will buy you things. It is up to you to make it happen.
This RichardStep Marketing survey was designed to get a better understanding of what really gets under the skin of those folks out there dealing with living life on purpose. Read over the awesome answers below and see how you can tailor your business to address the frustrations of the people most relevant to your business niche market. Want more? Read the 125 other topics in the ‘Frustrations’ survey category by clicking here.
The following list are uncut and raw responses of the things this group found most frustrating in their daily lives.
Living Life on Purpose
- Respond to my mother’s text messages. She consistently says I am lying and questions everything I say as if I were lying. She repeatedly asks the same questions in different ways.
- Not being implement new build in the system. Due to errors made by the developer after i check that this functionality would not be an obstacle
- Are you following the correct “path”? and do not want to be dissapointed when its too late. want direction and advice from the start.
- To tell adults not to leave their cash reports in unlocked drawers overnight. It is frustrating because it is common sense and something I have said before.
- The most frustrating thing I had to do was study for a psychology midterm because I am being tested using multiple choice and I do not do well on those types of questions.
- Deal with unexpected change. I like to plan and have a plan and when something out of the blue is thrown at my feet, it takes me a moment to settle into it.
- I have not been able to complete certain things that i have started but yet i have moved on to the next one since that had to be done.
- Dealing with a kid in a temper tantrum. I have no power ofer the situation and there’s not a lot I can do to fix this.
- Live with someone else’s decision to make a personnel change. I haven’t had opportunity to offer an opinion about the choice nor have I been given any reason for the decision. I like the person being moved and believe he has done great good.
- Lying down on bed for six months due to accident. it was frustrating because i don’t like being stuck at one position and place and being dependent on others even for basic things .
- Lack of confidence. I know I need to fake it till I make it but I like to be confident because I am sure.
- Fix the performance of a group member who did not think through her role in the assignment. She is more concerned with getting something finished rather than doing something correctly.
- Not faving danielle around when my grandmother died and not being able to be there for her when her grandmother died.
- Telling an HOA President to step down fr office due a conflict of interest. The President is oblivious to his conduct.
- Everyday activities, but more specifically showering with one hand. I had surgery on my left hand and cannot use it at the moment.
- Try to communicate how tedious one of our service offerings is and how it balances out with the drain of our resources. The resource drain is rather heavy versus the marginal increase in the value-add to our clients.
- I have found it frustrating to get through a day at the office lately. I am often bored and looking for a challenge.
- Explain to a colleague basic expectations of confirming approval vs. making assumptions, something she should have known to do as is a key part of her role.
- Nothing strikes out really being frustrating but having to do things I’ve alread done might be on the top of the list.
- I’ve been frustrated about the dule diligence that I’ve had to perform on a sales deal that should have been done by the sales person. I’ve also been frustrated with my client trying to take advantage of the account team.
- The most frustrating thing i’ve had to do was figure out why i wasn’t feeling as joyful. The problem was i didn’t know what the reason was
- HOW can it be that you want me to become a hero but I am a jerk and a loser and my face is not that awesome…….
- The most frustrating thing I’ve had to do was watch my niece and nephew. While my nephew behaves well, my niece always challenges me.
- It’s hard being called names for my past cause I am different from then, but they will always see me that way
- Wait on getting word back from an internship application. I am currently trying to make summer plans and having this information would make it easier to plan.
- Having to do things that i don’t want to do and because of that, not being able to get things I needed to done. This was frustrating because I had to stay up really late to get the stuff that I had to do done.
- When i cant find something even if i don’t need it…i like to know where things are…or if i cant understand why someone is doing something stupid or can’t get an answer or explaniation.
- Frustrated at those who I give opportunities to don’t take them but rather sit around and complain they can’t get ahead.
- The most frustrating thing I’ve had to do in the last few days is deal with the snow. Its frustrating because its cold, and it is making it very difficult to get my tire changed
- Claim my us tax withholding. Its not straight forward for foreigner like me and I have go through heaps of readings with fine prints.
- Follow up with a huge assignment where I can not access the information I need to get a detailed report out
- Creating a map for a special event that has the north dallas metro area and is 6 ft x 6 ft
- When someone is yelling at me, I was frustrated, and stopped doing what they told me to do. I should act instead of paying attention to others slighting me.
- Dfgfdfg sfgf sdgs dgfsdgsdgsdg sd gsdg sdag sdg sdg sadgsdfg sdgsdgsdgs dg sdgsgsdg sdgsd g sdgs dg sdg sdg sdgsd. And it happens every freaking day!
- Our organizational structure is setup to where we do not have a direct leader. It’s very frustrating because there is a lack of clear direction and purpose.