Future vision is how we project our plans and attitudes about our future. Specifically, this topic can be used to help guide our paths to align with where we would like to be. This can refer to ourselves., groups, or entire species as a whole
By using future vision you can significantly improve ones career or personal life. Be designing and guiding our daily choices we can plan for the future. In doing so, we create the reality that we all would like to see.
Future vision is a great tool we can use in life to align with where we would like to be in the future. In using this tool, I personally have had great success creating my life the way I want to. I would highly recommend future vision.
This RichardStep Marketing survey was designed to get a better understanding of what really gets under the skin of those folks out there dealing with future vision. Read over the awesome answers below and see how you can tailor your business to address the frustrations of the people most relevant to your business niche market. Want more? Read the 125 other topics in the ‘Frustrations’ survey category by clicking here.
The following list are uncut and raw responses of the things this group found most frustrating in their daily lives.
Future Vision
- Write goals which and the end of the day are meaningless when assessed at work
- Having a goal but always ending just short of it, its frustrating because you can basically feel it but its violently ripped away from you.
- Unpack my goals – choosing a new and clear direction. it is fun but also painful.
- Working on goals at work and presenting our teams achievements to find out the numbers introduced where actually incorrect.
- Been given a goal without much direction and expected to take it forward to completion – challenging!
- Giving up my goals once again for like the thousandth time and giving in to my temporary whims.
- Not meeting my goals at work.i feel i can do so much more in a accomplishments
- Develop a work goal for another department. This was frustrating because I didn’t want my decisions to impact the work of other’s who I am not responsible for.
- Not achiving my goals. Sine i started this job i know that i want to be my own boss but still can’t do it
- Not fulfilling a goal. Because I was preoccupied with other things.
- How I can accomplish my goal of traveling without having the money for it
- I am not clear about my goals. I want to improve in my life and want to honest and intellectual people my life but i m failed to find such people in my current environment. I usually influenced by intellectual people.
- There is no direction, no goals and nobody knows who is doing what
- Unable to plan and set my goals. Inconsistent in prayer. Inability to think clearly
- Trying to move forward on goals with negative team members who refuse to take action and just give excuses and since I’m proactive I receive all the negative feedback from the boss.
- Work two jobs and achieve the goals I would like with school. My academic goals are very important to me and work often takes more time but it is a priority monetarily
- Balancing the need to accomplish goals and the making a decision in the moment
- I have not practiced to reach my goal . I want to work hard but my mind get deviate easily.
- 5 years without a raise or defined goals to earn one.
- When as a family you set a specific goal and then you realize that you are putting all your effort and someone is not corresponding they way they need to accomplish that goal.
- It is frustrating to study because my goal seems far far away from me.
- Trying to accomplish ALL of my ideas and goals at once.
- The most frustrating was looking for a new goal in my life and don’t know what path to take.
- Not having an overall plan that communicates goals as an organization.
- Frustrating.. must be that I haven’t a clear goal, I don’t know how to spend my money, and I got to many ideas and i’m overwhelmed.
- Try to motivate a client. I have a vision and goals why don’t they?
- There are too many things to do and one simple goal requires several time consuming steps.There always seems to be one problem after another that prevents or delays me from doing my job
- Waiting on a job that is in line with my career goal as an engineer. This was frustrating because of the length of time that I have been out of that career and I believe that my experience in that field is being short-circuited as time goes by.
- Job interview at a company that gave too high a. Goal
- This stupid essay because I hate having no clear goal from what this $@ wants
- Pointless work that will not help me with the set goal.
- Working with team who is not clear about the team goals and commitments
- Try to build a routine to be able to accomplish my goal, it is frustrating because i’ve made plan and set up everything to be able to follow a routine but I don’t have the will or discipline to do it
- Not knowing what to do with my time (e.g. no current goal or task)
- The fact that I am part time and get treated like my goals and work gets looked at differently
- It is frustrating not to know what is that I want. my goals
- When I resign to a company that I like because of new goals.
- I have a project at work right now with an unrealistic goal that has stressed and discouraged to the point of not wanting to do anything.
- Not know the right steps to take to achieve our business goals.
- Where am I going in my life? What do I want? What are my goals and plans? I’m looking for an answer to all that.
- I have had to review my performance appraisal, rate past goals, and think of new ones. This is frustrating because not everything is measurable and I am self-motivated. I have a general goal of doing my best and find it annoying to come up with goals for performance.
- Finishing up my Preliminary Idea document. There is no clear goal and the scope is too wide.
- English class I felt very frustrated. I did not accomplish my goal, and I spent a lot of money
- No motivation to complete the job at hand and hard to find clear goals in life
- Trying to understand how a 20 year old doesn’t have a job or any goals in life and why my husband doesn’t agree on how to solve the problem. I don’t understand laziness and why young adults feel that they are so entitled.
- Writing my personal development paper because i’m not sure what my goals are in life
- How can I constantly motivate myself and keep myself focussed on my goal without getting diverted or tired?
- To heal rather than destroy. Whatever we do, if we make healing our goal, it will affect our activities, attitude and impact, and the world will be a better place.
- Other people don’t move fast enough and take too long to get to the goals that have been established. Feel like people are just saying YES to me so that I stay happy.
- The most frustrating thing was dealing with work. They keep setting goals and then changing them without consultation with the staff involved. It’s frustrating because you never know if your doing a good job or achieving what is expected.
- Not having a clear understanding of where we are going… do we have goals? how can I know where I’m going if there’s goal.
- Try to influence others with different objectives. I cannot achieve my goals
- When I have to work under negative environment or a work with no clear goal or path. When work under negative like the hostility situation, it will get me nervous and slow my thought down.
- I find working on tasks and work that is not in line with my dreams and goals to be extremely frustrating, stressful and with little meaning
- Trying to contact people who had to complete a task to make the ultimate goal for my customer happen.
- Feeling stressed and pressured, only to be working towards someone else’s goals
- Sometimes frustration happens because i don’t know why I have choose some goals and generally my goals are too big. But anyway I ll bounce back and try to show a spectacular show.
- One of the most hardest things is to stay committed to a new routine or a goal that you need to finish. There are so many things and distractions to do that capture your attention because it’s more fun and better than what you have to actually do.
- Try to make extra money to purchase something I need to accomplish my life goal.
- I can’t decide if what I’m doing is very important or relevant to the overall goal of our company and if so I don’t really get personal motivation from it.
- Assume. the reason why it was frustration when i am on a verge to complete my goal or the work given to me before completing it i start assuming the bad effects of it and end up doing something else that was not at all needed.
- One of the most frustating thing in my life is how can I achieved my dreams and goals in life
- Doing some papers of an idea that i don’t believe in. It’s frustrating because a goal in my life needed me to do it, but i couldn’t sstand that bit
- Documentation can be frustrating at times. Killing time in office without any clear goal.
- Finding what to wear to school and trying to please other people and accomplishing my goals
- I am not finishing any tasks i like to finish, i am not accomplishing my simple short goals
- I do get boared over a work quickly .don’t know what and where to go .Don’t have a specific goal in life
- Being bored at work and not being able to do much about it , want to work hard and achieve goals and not sit and just go to work because i have too
- Bare with the fact that I’m not able to work my job around my personal life & to accomplish goals I set I have to request days of or ask to change my schedule
- Work on overcoming an issue that I’ve been working on for a while now. I like to accomplish my goals and move forward rather than be stuck on a goal that ends up holding me back some.
- I don’t know what step I have to take next in life and this is frustrating because I like having goals and everything that goes with them.
- Stress of being spread too thin. I would like to be more focused on one particular task, idea, or goal.
- Doing work that is to easy at school. I am frustrated at this because its not helping me reach my goals in anyway.
- I’m trying to figure out what I’m passionate about and trying to stay motivated to reach my current goals. i want to know myself better and be able to communicate with people better about myself.
- To study. Because it is very long and boring. But if I don’t do it, I won’t be able to move on to my goal in life.
- Doing travel expense claims and sorting out receipt. I dislike it because it is meaningless wrt to the goals of my work.
- Lack of time with the family has been frustrating due to the inability to have conversation surrounding goals and needs of the family.
- The most frustrating thing i had to is my leadership paper because i’m not sure what i want to do for a goal and i’m not even sure i know who i am completely to be able to write this paper about me.
- I have no idea what I am good at. It seems I need other people to light a fire within me to accomplish my goals.
- I find tedious, meaningless tasks absolutely frustrating, because they are not working toward some greater goal.
- Finding my true calling, passion. Commitment to a direction and taking the first step towards clear defined goals.
- Looking to better brighten my future by setting a pathway that may lead me to do something I don’t to reach that goal.
- Getting my team of sales people to keep driving for more sales with all their efforts after hitting their monthly goal. This was frustrating because I am a perfectionist and I believe in putting in 110% of your effort at all times.
- Overcome addiction, it was frustrating because for a long time i felt trapped and weak, having to overcome certain goals took some toll.
- The most frustraiting thing ive had to deal with is lack of motivation towards a perticular end. Wether that end is a goal of the future or for the present I cant get myself motivated and that is very frustraiting.
- At home having to deal with family own drama that is not related to me. Money is always a stresser!! Staying on top of my goal regaredless if I get alittle lazy at times.
- Being in confident in my skills and values it has been frustrating finding a company that I believe in and aligns with my goals. The interview process and dealing with businesses that are unprofessional and unreliable is very frustrating.
- Replace my phone because I made an error of judgement and acted hastily and broke it. I ended up paying for another when my goal was to be saving money
- At work I have to pick up the slack for one of my coworkers because she hasn’t been doing her part with us trying to make our goals for the store
- People in authority assuming that thier way is the only way and the best way, not willing to listen to new ideas on achieving a common goal.
- I-m testing an app in which I don’t have completely understanding and I’m not receiving enough support from owner to reach the testing goals; besides the team has become tense between each other.
- Having a cold the past few days has made following through with plans difficult. It’s been frustrating to have to cancel things and ignore goals that I had put in place before I was sick.
- I worry about the wellbeing of my family and their ability to provide and thrive for eachother. Often times, I feel I need to sacrafice my goals and potential plans in order to provide the immediate needs of my family members.
- The most frustrating thing I have had to do in the past few days is continue to work during frustration and misunderstanding when my purpose and goals do not feel clear.
- I find myself being dishonest to myself often. Rationalising a way out of a decision. I want to know how to create leverage to get a task done or goal reached.
- I have not really had anything to do recently that frustrated me – the nearest I can get is not progressing as well as I would like in my running goals
- I was told my contract at work would not be extended and now i’m frustrated because i didn’t expect it and it’s taken me one step backwards from the goals i wanted to achieve.
- The most frustrating thing I had to do at work was take direction from 3 different people. This was frustrating because I wanted to accomplish everyone’s goal at the same time, but that was clearly impossible.
- The most frustrating thing I am currently dealing with is the ability to remain patient with my young children. The reason it troubles me is my unrealiatic goal for them to see things my way.
- Self centered people who don’t bend are one of the greatest obstacles to success. When personalities get in the way, instead of service to each other and the goal, success becomes more difficult.
- The most frustrating thing I deal with is undependable people. It’s frustrating when you count on people and they don’t come through, and then you must pick up their slack to reach the common goal.
- I had to turn in a self-assessment piece for my employment evaluation. I stared at that document for four days and felt like I had nothing important to say as far as reporting on the past or planning goals for the future.
- The most frustating thing i’ve had was when i gave dance classes to a big group of little children the average was from 4 to 6 years old and i couldnt controlled them, and i had to changed the activity. My goal failed.
- I’m most concerned about my purpose in life. That question intrigues me a lot. The most frustrating thing I had to do is to work in a company and position that I didn’t like and neither was this job inclined to my goals.
- The most frustrating thing I’ve had to do is work with people who could care less about learning, contributing, moving forward – lack of ambition. I’d like to know why more people can’t be driven to set and achieve goals without giving excuses.
- I had to decide whether or not to quit my job and go to school full time. This was frustrating because of the fact that i am putting off temporary financial well being for the further development and accomplishment of a goal, which is to earn my mechanical engineering degree.
- Conduct a meeting with someone who keeps telling me to “run this by” or “check with” my boss before moving forward, even though I have authority in this situation. I don’t know how to relate to this person and how to accomplish my goals with little to no conflict.
- Finish out the sales quarter at work. It was frusterating because I very much dislike working with panicked, illogical, and demanding sales people who are solely looking out for themselves, and will do whatever it takes to accomplish their personal goal.