It is important when you take on a task to finish it. You cannot decide to do a task and quit part way through. You must complete all of the steps. The task must be followed through to the finish.
How can you too follow through like the best of them? By completing all assigned tasks, completing tasks in a timely manner, and offer to perform and complete additional tasks. Stay on top of what you have and seek to prove yourself through stretch goals.
I often choose to take on new jobs and have taken on the task of completing this research. Because I have accepted it, I must do all the required steps to finish it. This is the kind of mindset needed to get things done and follow through.
This RichardStep Marketing survey was designed to get a better understanding of what really gets under the skin of those folks out there dealing with finishing tasks and follow through. Read over the awesome answers below and see how you can tailor your business to address the frustrations of the people most relevant to your business niche market. Want more? Read the 125 other topics in the ‘Frustrations’ survey category by clicking here.
The following list are uncut and raw responses of the things this group found most frustrating in their daily lives.
Finishing Tasks and Follow Through
- The task is somewhat simple and I don’t have many chance to meet new people
- Multi-task without following thru! It’s frustrating because I want to complete all the tasks on my list!
- Menial tasks. I need to find a better use of my time.
- Routine tasks that don’t always show a direct impact can be bothersome and frustrating at times.
- A small task to complete a side project for someone. I just wanted the project to be complete and not go back to it.
- Doing a task that is monotonous and no feeling of accomplishment. it is just done for the sake of being done even if the results are always the same. It is time consuming and there is no achievement to it.
- Too many tasks to complete in the amount of time. But not able to express my thoughts.
- To multi-task work, family, friends, personal development, etc. because it seems as if there is no enough time to do everything.
- Too many tasks that I don’t want to do. I don’t have my own space. I have to rely on others mainly for myself to succeed.
- Take on a task at work out of my job description. Task was not given with clear direction and time frame. Had to complete task outside of working hours on own resources and not given adequate remuneration or assistance
- Complete a task started by someone else. This was frustrating because I had other things that had to be done.
- Unfinished tasks. It is frastrating because i know it will lead to a bad consequence but im unable to get it done
- The required tasks at work kept me from working on other projects and training that I would have liked to work on. This was frustrating because I have several projects that Im involved in with deadlines fast approaching.
- Starting on a task or tasks and following through until it is complete.
- Unsuccessable task cause lack of skill. Failure of misunderstand when I feel I understood.
- To do lots of task at once, it was difficult because under such pressure I couldn’t really manage my resources to get things done.
- Getting all my tasks done, because I have a lot on my plate.
- Working on admin tasks that i cannot enter in work log as productive time.
- Had to accomplish tasks in a set time when far more time was required minimum.
- A very repetitive task at work that I believe adds little value for the time that is required.
- Mundane processing tasks that take time away from the big picture.
- I had to work on a task ,i have never done before .
- Repeating the same task over and over again when it could be automated
- Laziness to do the task, the due date is coming make me feel pressure
- Report work over – task at work are unorganized and I had to do a lot of work over
- I didn’t have many tasks to do at work so I was bored. I don’t like being bored because I always like to be active.
- Getting an overdue task done and delivered. Task is long overdue and getting inputs from counter parties has been fruitless and datelines set has been constantly extended due to various constraints and reasons.
- I had to complete a task that required me to learn a new skill, which was frustrating when it took longer than I wanted for me to complete the task.
- Trying to accomplish tasks with my shoulder locked up and having to go to physical Therapy when I have pressing issues and deadlines and people waiting for me to resolve their issues.
- Trying to complete a task and having to depend on others to supply me with the documentation and information in order to get the task done. If I had everything I needed to complete the task, it could have been done in a more timely manner.
- Trying to do a simple task better but being challenged with but that isn’t the way we always do it!!
- Having to do pointless tasks with results that will change constantly.
- When I had to finish a task really close with the deadline
- Waiting some answer or task to be done by someone else. getting stuck because it depends on the decision of other people.
- Most of the frustrating tasks are repetitive tasks like doing dishes and laundry at home and bug fixing at work.
- Managing my time to get tasks done. It is very frustrating because I will get caught up with something and forget, or don’t fully finish a task I was working on.
- Get through email lists- task that needs doing but doesn’t add value
- Having all the household tasks to do all by myself, while the others also have time but don’t do them.
- Was not able to finish a task because I got sick. I want to finish things when I say I do.
- Lack of acknowledgement of tasks performed and the rewards do not match the effort put forth.
- Doing a numerous amount of tasks for my family since they rely on me a lot. Even though I have three other siblings they always rely on me I’m a busy person man. $@.
- I haven’t gotten to finish a tasks in a couple of days. It bothers me that I’m too busy to finish it in a quick manner.
- Not enough time to finish all task or get a chance to learn new thing.
- Where I am unable to finish a task when I am in a lot of pressure and I lose my temper for getting the task wrong
- It is hard to balance all the tasks that I need to get done in a day. I feel like I don’t have enough time to put the full effort in each of them.
- Waiting for others to finish a task before I can get started
- Computer and website technical tasks because this is not in my skill set and I find it to time consuming and I make mistakes that slow me down
- I’ve had difficulty completing tasks alone and then I feel as if I’m failing others. I don’t like doing projects alone. Also others have failed to follow their commitments to me.
- Being accused of not starting a task when, in fact it was almost complete
- Doing the same day-to-day admin tasks at work. Frustrated because nothing seems to change quickly.
- I have had to perform monotonous tasks that offer little excitement.
- When people don’t notice how much tasks you have to do!
- Write a very intense report. The task was overwhelming. Didn’t feel like I had time. Wanted to help with another deadline
- I am frustrated whe doing menial tasks that have to be repeated frequently like cleaning. I wish that I could afford to hire a cleaning crew.
- Trying to get an employee to do a task when he continually refuses to do it correctly and complains that I am holding up his work.
- I had to complete a days worth of tasks for others on my only day off in 19 days and received no significant “Thank You” or payback after doing so.
- Waiting for people to finish their tasks that hinder my progress
- Meet the deadline of intense multi-tasking requirements. I feel intense pressure to perform.
- Try to organize my household…the task overwhelms me…I try to plan out ways to begin, but the task seems too daunting so I just do nothing.
- Getting praise by a co-worker on a task that did not deserve it. I thought the co-worker showed his lack of understanding of the simplicity of the task and lack of ownership.
- At work constantly being given new tasks to do without any details on what is needed, why it’s needed, or when it needs to be done by. It is overwhelming and frustrating as I have to interpret what is needed and it causes a lot of rework for me.
- That other people do not complete their tasks on time and expect others to be understanding.
- Doing group work with someone who is not task orientated/too philosophical.
- Completing a fairly confusing programming task that does not make complete sense. It is completen now though.
- Being overwhelmed with multiple different tasks, wether that be school work, house chores, or things that you just need to get done. It is rather anxiety provoking.
- Not being given enough time to complete a task that I could do very well otherwise. The person just didn’t understand that others may not prefer to work as quickly at a lower quality.
- When someone doesn’t follow through with a task or responsibility in a timely way.
- I had a lot of meaningless, time-consuming tasks that needed to be done (driving, transporting things, travel, re-formatting documents, updating software, redundant logistical appointments) that got in the way of making progress on meaningful work both at work and at home.
- Not being able to complete some longstanding tasks and stuck with very low morale
- Because I keep working hard to get a certain task done but I can’t seem to succeed at this task.
- Having to take on meaningless, time-consuming tasks at work and not getting paid extra for these.
- I continually have to prioritize what limited tasks I have the capacity or bandwidth to work on and let all others not be accomplished or slide significantly in time. This is frustrating to me to continually not have enough time to get organized and complete tasks.
- It is not stimulating enough. Most of the daily tasks require little to no brain activity or thought involved.
- The most frustrating thing is trying to stay on task with my school work because I don’t think it is important to my degree.
- When someone asks you to do a new or unformiliar task with no instruction
- Difficult clients who want someone to complete a task for them or won’t take responsibility. If they cannot see the problem or admit to it, there will be growth or change of situation
- I do not like having to do something over if the task has been done already. I do not like last minute things dropped on me. It is frustrating because my job is stressful and overwhelming.
- Waiting for a new pair perscription glasses. This task was frusterating to me, because it took three weeks to get the lens and frames. Plus, I do not like waiting for items that should be prepared within a few days.
- That I can’t always achieve my targets due to other tasks cropping up or people not getting back to me.
- Being at home with no means to go around to fulfil the task at hand. I already envisioned a different outcome, so being unable to achieve it was really frustrating.
- Sometimes I am just dealing with logistics and mundane tasks – not always meaningful use of my time. Not enough time for all for the things I need and want to do.
- People not taking their responsibilities seriously. I am task oriented and take my volunteer and work assignment and responsibilities very seriously and it is frustrating when others only complete a part of it. Lack of that affects everyone completing their tasks and throws everything out of sync.
- Waiting for others contribution to be able to do the next task
- Follow a long and convoluted process just to get a simple task done
- Always running around, doing lots of things, having to multi task ..end up tired and out of time
- Most frustrating is at work having to wear many hats and the tasks required to be done with each. This has led to feeling as though I’m not getting through my work and not doing a very good job at the moment.
- Not having enough time during my working day to juggle all my tasks.
- The most frustrating is no being productive and accomplishing tasks I have been planning to do. 4
- I have had to repeatedly ask my significant other to do simple tasks in the house. I find it frusterating because we are both busy but things need to get done!
- Lack of upward mobility, stale rewards structure, often mundane tasks that add little value to the customer.
- Expectation from the meanagement for me to get involve unethical tasks against my will.
- So much fun to do and too little time. I want to perform in each task, which is difficult with limited time.
- Inneficiency. I feel a lot of time is spent completing unimportant tasks.
- I have started a new job and I am not comfortable doing all of the tasks on my own. It is frustrating to be unsure most of the time about what to do or how to do something.
- Pick up the slack for a co-worker who was neglectful of a series of tasks.
- The fact that I may lose balance of my projects and all the current tasks I may have to do.
- Co-workers have poor skills and poor work ethic. mess us projects and tasks I have to clean up.
- Having to rely on someone else to lay groundwork before I can begin a task. This doesn’t happen as quickly as I would like. The waiting is frustrating.
- Be noticed! I’m always overlooked and seen as too reliable to complete tasks others won’t
- Do something that i asked someone else to do multiple times, after the task was not done.
- Performnace review with my employees. I only have two, but this is the task I dislike the most. I feel like I have to make an extreme effort to point out the positive, as I can only think of the negative. Frustrating.
- Washing dirty clothes. Among household chores this the most unlikeable task for me. I really don’t like the feeling of washing the clothes I think there are a lot of more worthy things that I can do rather washing the clothes. But I still do this out of need
- Incompetence in subordinates caused heavy workload as have to cope with task from other department
- Lack of upward mobility, stale rewards policies, and mundane meaningless tasks.
- The most frustating thing this past few days is to be able to finish the task on time excellently
- The most frustrating thing about my current job is I have to do the same task everyday. There is never an opportunity to do anything new or different.