You know ol’ Bojangles here got to thinking about those age-old virtues – pride and humility. But ya see, these concepts ain’t just ancient relics, they matter a lot even in our modern world. So I reckon it’s worthwhile delving deeper into them from the lens of zoomers (that’s people born between late ’90s to early 2010s – I think – it seems like it changes every year!). Be patient with this Boomer – ya’ might learn somethin’!
Let’s first talk about Pride – not to be mistaken for self-confidence or self-esteem, which we all need aplenty. But oh boy! Zoomers do witness an excessive obsession with image, fame, and validation from social media. Our smartphones have become like electronic mirrors reflecting our every move, making us insecure about how many likes, shares, or followers we got. This hunger for affirmation often leads us down the path of self-aggrandizement or boastfulness which, my young friends, is nothing but toxic pride. It can blind us to our own faults and create a sense of superiority that might make us step on others to lift ourselves higher. As an old adage says, “Pride goeth before a fall.”
Now switch gears towards Humility – a characteristic often misinterpreted as weakness. However, I betcha every one of you has experienced the power of humility at least once. Picture this: You failed miserably at something or made a fool out of yourself but instead of wallowing in shame, you took it with grace, admitted your error and sought ways to improve. That’s humility, my dear zoomers! It is accepting our shortcomings without being ashamed, learning from mistakes, admitting when we’re wrong, showing empathy towards others’ struggles, and offering kindness without expecting anything in return – quite the opposite of that haughty pride!
But what makes these virtues so essential? Well, they lay the foundation stone for healthy relationships. Think about it, wouldn’t you want someone around who owns up to their mistakes, doesn’t lord over others with superiority, yet respects and values everybody equally? Aren’t these the kind of people we naturally gravitate towards? Yes ma’am, yes sir! That’s precisely where humility outshines pride every single time.
You might say, “Bojangles, is there no place for pride?” Indeed, there is, just not in its toxic form. Healthy pride is acknowledging your abilities and achievements but never allowing them to make you haughty or devalue others’ accomplishments. It’s having the self-assuredness without the pomposity.
So how do we nurture humility amidst this digital age? By focusing on authentic experiences over likes, learning from failures rather than hiding them, practicing gratitude, and cultivating empathy – we can certainly keep our ego checks in place!
Remember, children of Zoomerdom, it’s alright to have moments where you’re puffed up with pride. Just ensure it doesn’t become your defining characteristic. Strive for balance and learn from each day because at the end of the day, humility helps us grow, while pride often brings us tumbling down.
Y’all stay humble out there and keep those good ol’ virtues alive in the ever-changing world we live in!