One of the first things to realize when considering how to choose a career that suits your strengths is that you succeed based on who you are, instead of who you are not. There are certain inalienable characteristics about you that will not change. For example, whether you are an extrovert or an introvert has […]
How To Change Careers In A World Of Strong Competition
Every day we watch as the economy plummets a little more. Workers everywhere are faced with layoffs and terminations of employment on a regular basis. Some people have been with the same company doing the same job for 20 or 30 years. Often and without notice, these hardworking dedicated employees are discarded due to company […]
Corporate Beggars or Geniuses? How to Prove You’re Pay Raise Worthy
You and I both know that you are reading this because you are that exceptional employee that deserves or has the ambition to achieve a raise in their salary. Asking for a raise may be a difficult task for one of two reasons. Either you are anxious as to whether you really deserve a raise, […]
How To Get Promoted By Knowing & Using Your Strengths
Have you ever wondered why some people strive to succeed while others are simply content with settling for their current situation? There is room for everyone to grow and succeed. I can tell you how to get promoted by knowing and using your strengths. There is a very good reason for you to re-position your […]
Got a Fat Wallet? Save More Money to Make More Money
Saving money has always and will always be a financial concern. Perhaps the recent economic instability has only shown us just how crucial saving money really is to our future and well-being. Even if you have not suffered unemployment, you may know of someone who has. The financial struggle is straining on one’s physical and […]
Be More Successful in Daily Life Without Any Money
People often think that those who have accumulated a great deal of wealth are successful individuals. But is that really the truth? That might be true in some cases, but I will say that it is even more important to accumulate money in the right way. By developing strong character while acquiring that wealth. Did […]
What is a Personality Test? What’s the Big Deal Anyway?
Have you ever met a person for the very first time and immediately felt like you’ve known them for your entire life? On the other hand, have you ever met someone and almost instantly you felt uncomfortable around them? You don’t know why you are uncomfortable – it’s just something you can’t put your finger […]
Could Taking a Personality Test Online Change Your Life?
People take personality tests for various reasons. I used to try and avoid them because I was afraid what they might reveal. That isn’t exactly a useful mental program as most of tests, if taken correctly, do show a lot about one’s personality. Most employers offer these tests to show if the new employee is […]
Calming Down Others – Examples You Can Act On
Calming down others requires an understanding of human behavior and the causes of anger, either real or perceived. When someone attacks us either verbally or emotionally we tend to react in one of two ways. We can burst out in a fit of anger or simply withdraw and internalize the hurt. This is referred to […]