As you might have noticed, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. (thanks Forrest) But the most unpredictable and exciting chocolates in our lives are the little cherubs we call children. Bringing up these bundles of joy isn’t easy; it’s a task as vast as the great Sahara […]
Reflecting on Childhood and Adulthood: A Boomer’s Journey
The moment I sit down to think about my journey from childhood to adulthood, an old, rustic gate swings open, unveiling a garden of vivid memories. Ah! Childhood was indeed a haven filled with innocent joys, curiosity, and endless playtimes under the watchful eyes of momma and daddy. We lived life at our own pace […]
Strolling Down Friend-Mending Lane – Top Tips to Avoid Hurting Pals’ Feelings
Ah, dear ol’ friendships! They’re like a bowl of warm chili on a winter’s eve. Warm, comforting, and ever so necessary to keep us all cozy and happy. Yet, there’ll always be moments when our words might cause heartburn – so to speak – for these cherished folks we share laughter and tears with. But […]
Taking Charge of Harassment Awareness: Guide to Staying Safe and Sound
Ah, let me tell you somethin’, folks, life has certainly changed in recent years. It ain’t just about keepin’ up with the Joneses or chasin’ after the American dream no more. Nowadays, we’ve got a whole new ballgame on our hands – one that focuses on ensuring respect, dignity and safety for all. Yessir, we […]
Heart Fulla Joy: Happiness Amidst Life’s Tumultuous Waves
Livin’, they say, is what you make it. Sometimes we need reminding of that very fact. Now, let me tell y’all a little tale ’bout a young girl, Sarah. A young gal filled with determination and love for life itself, she can teach us some valuable lessons about cherishin’ the moments and findin’ joy even […]
Nuggets from Yesteryears – Timeless Pearls on Self-Confidence
Now I reckon we all been in a pickle when it comes to confidence, right? Be it job interviews, new social circles or just the daily grind. Fear not my friend, for ages past hold lessons on self-assuredness as solid as the Pyramids of Egypt and as vibrant as the ancient frescoes of Pompeii. Let’s […]
Old School Guide to Putting Things Right After a Snafu
Now, y’all gather around, and lemme share with ya some nuggets of wisdom I picked up in my six-and-a-half decades of life. These are tried-and-tested lessons passed down from the old folks, lessons that still hold true even when our world spins faster with each passing day. We’re gonna dive into how to mend things, […]
Sweet Sounds of Then and Now: Musings on Classic vs Modern Music
Let me tell ya, there’s quite an orchestra when it comes to discussing modern music versus classical tunes! It ain’t just about the notes but also about the rhythm and soul, you know what I mean? As a Boomer, who’s seen quite a few sunsets in this here life (or should I say iPod shuffles?), […]
Finding Worth Through God’s Eyes – A Tale of Transformation
Well now, y’all know I got me some stories about people in our dear ol’ Christian community. Today, let me tell you one ’bout a man who was truly blessed in his journey of self-worth discovery. Now, his name doesn’t matter much to this tale, ’cause it ain’t so much about him but how he […]