Time to share with you a heartwarming tale about hope and love that will surely leave a smile on your face. Now, I reckon we all have those days where life throws a curveball or two our way, making us question everything from the weather to what’s for supper. But today, we’re gonna talk about […]
Keeping Your Brain’s Attic Well Stocked: Tips to Boost Memory
Let me start off by saying this: our memory isn’t a fixed thing. It’s a flexible entity that can be trained, primed, and sharpened, much like an athlete getting their body in peak form. I want to share with you, my professional pals, some ways to increase your memory prowess. You never know when those […]
Building Blocks of Building Relationships
Ah, relationships! Now there’s a word that stirs up all kinds of emotions in us humans. Whether it’s romantic ties or just good old-fashioned friendship, we’re hardwired to form connections with others. But what about those elusive relations we make in the great, vast world out there? The strangers we cross paths with in our […]
Getting Inspired in a Hectic World
You might think, ‘Bojangles, why on earth would inspiration need so much attention?’ Well, let me tell ya something. It’s not just about being a great artist or writer. Inspiration can ignite the spark of productivity, creativity, and change in your life. In today’s world, where everything seems like an endless to-do list, keeping up […]
Keeping the Keys of Confidentiality: Keep Your Nose to Yourself
In our ever-evolving, hyper-connected world, confidentiality isn’t just another buzzword or box-tick on the list of corporate compliance; it’s as essential to us as air to a fish in water or salt to popcorn. Yet, if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you already know that, which means you understand its importance and are eager to […]
Remote Working Teams: The Art of Harmony and Effectiveness
Sit back, relax, and let’s have a casual chat about working in a team remotely – yep, that’s right, not being all cramped up together in some old brick office. The world is moving forward to remote work with every tick of the clock, so might as well understand what it takes to create a […]
Practicing Discipline: A Journey Towards Self-Mastery
Here’s a topic as old as time itself – discipline. Now, you might be thinking, “Bojangles, why should I care about something that sounds so serious and strict?” Well, hold your horses, partner. Discipline isn’t just about military-like routines or punishing yourself for every little mistake. No, sir! It’s much more than that. Imagine this: […]
Navigating The Phone Maze: Tips and Tricks for Crafting Impactful Voicemails
Voicemails! A relic from days when our mobile devices were not always in the pocket. And yet, in this digital age of endless chats and emails, leaving a good ol’ fashioned voicemail continues to be an essential art, particularly for our professional lives. If you find yourself grappling with creating an effective message that doesn’t […]
Facilitating Meetings: A Casual Guide For Professionals
Meetings, ah meetings. They’re like the broccoli of our professional lives – necessary but not always enjoyable. But guess what? We can make these meetings more palatable. That’s right; we can transform our meetings into the sweet strawberry sundae of productivity! First thing first, let’s get clear on one important fact: facilitating a meeting isn’t […]