Ah, hobbies! You know them; you love them in others – perhaps even secretly envy them. Maybe you’ve tried your hand at a few over the years but found none to stick or sing like a lark on a Sunday morning. Or perhaps you’re one of the blessed souls who found their rhythm early in […]
Pointers from an Old Soul: How to Soothe a Stormy Mind
As an experienced chap and an even more seasoned observer of human behavior, I understand that life can often feel like navigating through choppy waters in a tiny boat. Anxiety and stress come hand-in-hand with living life fully and boldly. I’ve seen people close to me flail about when these waves threatened to swamp them, […]
From Timid Turtle to Confident Coyote: A Journey of Self-Discovery
Friends, as we sit down to sip on our steaming cup of java today, I’d like you to cast your minds back to when you were in your early twenties. Remember those days? You know, where every morning dawned with fresh possibilities and nights were spent dreaming about the life you were yet to live. […]
Machiavellian Perils: A Friendly Reminder
Niccolo Machiavelli, a name that brings to mind the art of manipulation and power politics. But let me tell you something straight – as much as The Prince is a classic, we ain’t living in the Renaissance. We have different times now, with a whole different set of moralities and expectations from leaders. And it’s […]
Teaching with Parables: A Timeless Method for Modern Times
We’re gonna chat about a classic teaching tool – parables. Yep, you heard it right. These aren’t just Bible stories your grandma used to tell ya at bedtime. They’re powerful lessons that can help us better understand the complexities of life. So grab yerself a mug of joe, let’s get learnin’, and explore how we […]
Stayin’ Sane in a Global War: A Bojangles Survival Guide
You know me – always ready with some friendly advice or helpful anecdote. And today is no different, for we’re about to embark on an essential topic that touches every single human being alive in this crazy world: how do you keep your marbles together during times when nations fight and the future seems uncertain? […]
Sunset Safeguards: Ensuring Your Evening Glows
We’re about to dive into a delightful exploration of how we can wrap up our day on such high notes that even an out-of-tune guitar couldn’t drown them out. Now, before we commence with this joyride through twilight tactics, let me remind y’all that our focus is keeping us spiritually and mentally recharged in ways […]
Holy Tongue: The Virtue of Purity in Our Daily Speech
Today we’re gonna delve deep into somethin’ that tends to get a whole lotta lip service but rarely the right amount of action. Yessir, today we’re talkin’ about purity in speech, which might just be one of the most powerful yet unheralded tools we got in our spiritual toolbox. So, saddle up and let’s ride! […]
Tackling Temper Tantrums: Tips to Sailing Smoothly Through Stressful Conversations
Greetings, Beloved Brothers and Sisters Ever been in a heated discussion where things get as warm as the hinges on a Southern summer’s front porch door? You know the kind I’m talking about ? the ones where your nerves are as frazzled as an old jalopy, and you can almost see the smoke from tempers […]