It’s been said that no product should be made until the target market is understood and for good reason. Do you really want to spend the next 3, 6, or 12 months working on a project only to find out you have your niche customers all wrong?
These are just a few of the questions that you better make sure you understand before you go diving nilly-willy into a gigantic niche market and try to solve one of their major problems. I’ve experienced and read far too many failure stories of go-getter entrepreneurs running off, creating awesome products, and then falling completely heart-broken when no one wants to buy what they’ve slaved over. Before you start your next ebook, video course, autoresponder sequence, group of blog posts, or niche podcast, please spend the few hours it will take you to get through this book to get a better understanding of the people you are targeting. A little upfront work will potentially save you moths of frustration in the end.
- What language does your potential client use?
- What pain points do your prospects have?
- What has your customer base already tried?
- What does your prospect read, enjoy, and use to grow professionally?
- What education, skills, and training is required to be someone in your target market?

Getting Useful Data
Which brings me to the next big question. How exactly do you go about finding this information from people in your target market? Call up people? Post Craigslist interviews? Run hand-picked email surveys and send them off to random people? Or how about simply reading through the potential customer interviews from folks in your target market right here? A hearty selection of customer interviews were conducted, compiled, cleaned, and put here for you to get a better understanding of what your potential customers really are looking for. Editing is kept to a minimum so that you can get a real feel for their language, usage, and frame of mind. I did clean it up and make it presentable, but tried my best to maintain their tone and demeanor. Yes, the identities of these fine folks has been obscured to protect the innocent and any likeness to another individual is purely coincidental. However, their answers are raw, uncut, and full of golden nuggets you can apply directly to your business or projects today.How to Use This Information
The information in this book can be a bit dense if you don’t go in with a purpose in mind. While there are hundreds of ways to apply this information to adding value to your endeavors, you will need to focus on one main goal at a time as you go through it all. Here are a few examples of ways you can use these customer responses to tailor your style, tone, and content for:- Ad copy
- Sales page copy
- Autoresponder content
- Blog posts
- Articles
- Guest posts in related niches
- Informative and sales videos
- Targeted podcast episodes
- Ebook content
- Software / app features and requirements
- Ideas for outsourcing
Target Market Research Guides
Here are the target markets that are available to help boost your business and customer understanding:.
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